This image was me getting my basic ideas down for my front cover. Im still working on it but these are some of the main ideas I will have.
The problem I had with this front cover is that the captions I had made it look as if that was the name of the band. It didnt help that my inverted comas werent very clear so again it was diffcult to tell what the band were called and what the quote said.
This was my second adapted attempt at my front cover, I think its alot better than my first picture and that you can identify what the band are called and what part is the quote.
Once I had the image complete I still wasnt completely sure. It looks far too over covded and that all the same font and size was used majes it look too busy.
I had a chat on what I should change about my magazine, I was told that I should move all my images so that they are on the left hand side so the picture can be appraciated and that I change it so I have differnt fonts but not so many that again it becomes confusing.
The parts of this frot cover I like the best have to be the well chosen logo, my imgaes have become more clear.
Attempt 3...I still think I can do better. I think my main problem is that there was too much wrtting and agin leading to the problem of what font is suitable and where items go.
I think the layout is improving alot more but I know I can do better. In some of the next images I do I will try out different colours and see if they make much of a difference.
This image looked too plain, to me it didnt really stand out seemed basic. This image makes it look as if there is nothing intresenting going on.
From here on wards I feel that the imge was getting better but I dont think the 100 albums section is even relevant. My next focus as well as changing the colour is, to see what writting is relavent to the front cover and take notcie on the strap line.
Again there really is no point to the '100 albums you must own' being becasue it just doesnt fit with the cover and makes it look really daft.
However I think the change in colour has really livend up the picture and makes the pictures stand out, giving the magazine a blance of colour. This being so that you catch every detail and dont just look at one section and give up looking because too much information is shown making it feel over crowded.
For this picture I edited it on a program called gimp. This was one of my orginal idea. To make the image black and white, I have to say it has made a big improvment towards my work.
This is going to be on my final idea I think I mite edit some of the text and the strapline so that it seperates the band.
This is going to my final front cover, afer doing various desgins and differnt styles I have decide to stick with.
In changing the image into black and white it has made it become more professtional and draws you into the image insted of having your main focus on any other images used.
To the fact that I have made one image in black and white and the others in colour really gives it a nice effect to make it eye catching. Im glad I stuck with this icture and none of the others because I dont think they would have worked and there was no room to write anything.
I have decided to use the colours red and white because they are commonly used on various magazines. The colours create a contrast that highlights some of the images that surround them for eaxample the image I have used for my live band feature.
This is the fianl idea. Due to the computer programs I dont have a chance to change the image. If i did have this oppertuinty then I would change the price tag and place it on the right hand bottom conor.
Photo shop would be used to change the price section. The straplines are fine but the border around it looks to big. I would get rid of it.
I would keep the black and white becasue it makes it look grown up and it seperates from coloured magazines so it would be easy to pick out from the shelf.
I now suggest that the product would be created as an online magazine and part of a solo spin off Kerrang. As they are my main insperation.